Charmed Book Of Shadows Pdf Download

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for Invoking the Power of Three Hear now the words of the witches The secrets we hid in the night. The oldest of gods are invoked here The great work of magic is sought. .. In this night and in this hour We call upon the ancient power.
Bring your powers to us sisters three We want the power. Give us the power.
Cast by Phoebe Episode 1.1
To Kill Jeremy…. Ingredients; A rose, a drop of blood from caster, a poppet
Your love wither and depart from my life. Let me be, Jeremy, and go away forever. Cast by Piper
Episode 1.1
Power of Three Spell The Power of Three will set us free! The Power of Three will set us free! The Power of Three will set us free!
Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 1.1
To Vanquish Javna…. Evil eyes look onto thee, May they soon extinguished be. Bend thy will to the Power of Three, Eye of Earth, evil and accursed! Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 1.2
To Banish Shapeshifters…
When in the circle that is home, safety's gone and evil roams. Rid all beings from these walls, save sisters three. Now heed our call. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 1.3
To Attract Men.… I conjure thee, I conjure thee. I'm the Queen and you're the bee. As I desire, so shall it be! Cast by Piper and Phoebe
Episode 1.5
To Discourage A Lover… Ingredients; Cayenne pepper, mandrake root, 1 cup betel nuts, 1 lock of lover's hair, red wine
Your love for me shall be no more, make your feelings only pure. Look upon another face, theirs will mine now replace.
Episode 1.5
Truth Spell For those who want the truth revealed, opened hearts and secrets unsealed. From now until it's now again, after which the memory ends. Those who now are in this house will here the truth from other's mouths. Cast by Prue
Episode 1.8
To Capture Matthew Tate…
Ingredients; Assorted herbs, 1 spotted owl feather, a container (to hold warlock ), 1 pouch. Mix the herbs and feather into the pouch. Hold the container with you when ready to cast the spell.
Outside of time, outside of gain, Know only sorrow, know only pain! Cast by Melinda
Episode 1.9
To Summon Melinda Warren.. Melinda Warren, blood of our blood, Our great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother, We summon thee.
To Release Melinda Warren… Melinda Warren, blood of our blood, we release you.
Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 1.9
To Banish Powers… From whence they came, return them now. Vanish the words, vanish our powers.
Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 1.10
To Banish Bad Luck… Ingredients; a stick of sage
Sage so fair from far and wide, Take my troubles and cast them aside. Cast by Piper
Episode 1.13
To Banish the Woogyman… I am light, I am one too strong to fight. Return to dark where shadows dwell, you cannot have this Halliwell. Go away and leave my sight, and take with you this endless night. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 1.15
To Multiply Strength… To multiply your strength, recite these words at length Take my powers, blessed be, and multiply their strength by three. Cast by Prue
Episode 1.16
To Unbind a Bond… The bond which was not to be done, give us the power to it undone, And turn back time to whence it was begun! Cast by Phoebe
Episode 1.17
To Return To the Present: Halliwell, young Prue, young Piper, and unborn Phoebe. A time for everything, and to everything, its place. Return what has been moved through time and space. Cast by Patricia
Episode 1.17
Nicholas Must Die: Lavender, Mimosa, Holy Thistle, cleanse this evil from our midst. Scatter its cells throughout time. Let this Nick no more exist! Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 1.17
To Banish a Spirit… Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit, Take this soul, banish this evil. Cast by Prue's spirit
Episode 1.20
To Switch Powers… What's mine is yours, what's yours is mine, Let our powers cross the line. I offer up my gift to share, switch our powers through the air. Cast by Piper, then by Prue
Episode 1.21
To Accelerate Time… Winds of time, gather round. Give me wings to speed my way. Rush me on my journey forward, let tomorrow be today. Cast by Prue Episode 1.22
To Move Ahead in Time… Materials: the date you want to travel on a piece of paper, a burning candle
Hear these words, hear the rhyme, we send you this burning sign. Then our future selves we’ll find in another place and time. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
To Return From the Future… Take us back to whence we came to time and place that are the same. Let past be present, that time regain.
Episode 2.2
To Create a Door… When you find your path is blocked, all you have to do is knock. Cast by Prue and Piper
Episode 2.2
To Bind Powers… I take your hands in mine, and with this string I will entwine. Your powers I’ll forever bind from now until the end of time.
Episode 2.2
To Erase a Memory…
Thoughts, Beliefs, Ideas, Truths, Images, All these you hold onto tightly, What I now mention you will release.
Episode 2.2
Smart Spell Spirits send the words from all across the land. Allow me to absorb them through the touch of either hand. For 24 hours, from seven to seven, I will understand the meaning of all words from here to heaven. P.S. - There will be no personal gain. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 2.3
To Enter the Enchanted Painting… Absolvo Amitto, Amplus Brevis, Sempler Mea. Translation: To free what is lost say these words: Mine Forever Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 2.3
To Free Those Trapped Inside the Painting… Verva Omnes Liberant. Translation: Words free us all. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 2.3
To Lure and Destroy a Succubus… Instructions: Draw the symbol of the Succubus in the centre of an empowered space. Light candles in a circle around the area. With the target of the spell standing upon the symbol, say the incantation.
By the forces of heaven and hell, draw to us this woman fell. Rend from her foul desire, so that she may perish as moth to fire. Cast by Prue
Episode 2.5
To Disempower a Witch… Ingredients: a fresh human heart ( 1 per witch ), red ribbon
By the passing of this hour, take away all of their powers. Cast by Tuatha
Episode 2.6
To Hear Secret Thoughts… As flame lights shadow and truth ends fear, Open locked thoughts to my mind’s willing ear. May the smoke from this candle into everywhere creep, Bringing innermost voices to mind and speech. Cast by Prue and Piper
Episode 2.7
Awakening Spell… Materials: blood from target person, a poppet
Troubled blood with sleep’s unease, Remove the cause of this disease. Take sleep eternal nevermore, and shift the source of unearthly spawn To this poppet whom none shall mourn.
Cast by Prue and Phoebe Episode 2.12
Reverse Awakening Spell… What was awakened from its sleep Must once again slumber deep. Return the disease to whence it came So life can ease back to the same. Cast by Prue and Phoebe
Episode 2.12
Create-A-Mate Spell… [unsuccessful version]
From strike of twelve, count twenty-four, That's how long this spell is for. Turn these gifts into a mate And then my lonely heart abate. Cast by Brooke, Andrea, and Tessa (Phoebe's friends)
Create-A-Mate Spell… [successful version]
From strike of twelve count twenty-four That's how long this spell is for. If to abate my lonely heart Enchant these gifts I thee impart. Cast by Phoebe Episode 2.13
To Turn Humans Into Animals… Ingredients: a pinch of salt and a pack of herbs
Something wicked in our midst In human form these spirits dwell. Make them animals sayeth this spell. Cast by Phoebe
Human-Into-Animal Reversal Spell… Undo the magic acted here. Reverse the spell so all is clear.
Episode 2.13
To View a Past-life… Remove the chains of time and space And make my spirit soar. Let these mortal arms embrace The life that haunts before. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 2.14
To Exchange Spirits with a Past-life… In this time and in this place Take this soul that I displace. Bring her forth while I go back To inhabit a soul so black. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 2.14
To Vanquish an Evil Soul… Evil witch in my sight Vanquish thyself Vanquish thy might In this and every future life. Cast by past-Prue and past-Piper
Episode 2.14
To Give a Sign of True Love… I beseech all powers above To send a sign to free my sister's heart One that will lead her to her love. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 2.15
To Erase Bad Luck … From this moment on your pain will be erased. Your bad luck as well. Enjoy your good luck Maggie, You're free from this hell. Cast by Prue
Episode 2.16
To Call Cryto… We call on the demon Cryto. Reach back through the ages. Humbled by his power, We invite him to our circle. Cast by Gail, Amanda, and Helen
Episode 2.17
To Call The Powers of a Witch… Powers of the witches rise, Course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near, Come to us and settle here. Cast by Gail, Amanda, and Helen, and then by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 2.17
To Vanquish Cryto… What witch has done and then undone Return this spirit back within And separate him from his skin. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 2.17
To Vanquish the Demon of Illusion… Evil that has travelled near I call on you to disappear. Elementals heed my call; Remove this creature from these walls. ( failed )
Episode 2.18
To Vanquish Libris… Demon hide your evil face. Libris, die, and leave no trace. Cast by Prue
Episode 2.19
To Vanquish the Demon of Anarchy… Sword of discord, your works now must cease. I vanquish thee now with these words of peace. Cast by Piper and Phoebe ( failed )
Episode 2.21
To See the Unseen… In this tween time, this darkest hour, We call upon the sacred power. Three together stand alone Command the unseen to be shown. In innocence we search the skies. Enchanted are our newfound eyes. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 3.3
To Cast a Protective Circle… Ingredients; apples defining the perimeter of a circle
Knowledge and reverence! Knowledge and reverence! Knowledge and reverence!
Cast by Prue and Phoebe
Episode 3.3
Belthazor Vanquishing Potion Ingredients & Instructions… Cockle shells Pig's feet Crickets Mandrake Belthazor flesh Dash of Cardamon Toadflax Pinch of carrot seeds Mix altogether, save the demon-flesh, allowing to come to a boil. Then add the Belthazor skin. This potion must be thrown at him to vanquish him.
Episode 3.8
To Summon Belthazor… 'Magic forces black and white, Reaching out through space and light, Be he far or be he near, Bring us the demon Belthazor here.' Cast by Prue and Piper
Episode 3.8
To Kill an Alchemist… Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone, The Alchemist shall transform none. Scientist of evil born, With these words face the fire's scorn. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Episode 3.9
To Kill an Essence… Host soul, reject this evil essence. Love's light end this cruel possession. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 3.9
To Animate the Dead… 'Caducus
Exanimas Vita Aetas Anima!' Cast by Kierkan
Episode 3.9
To Summon a Darklighter… 'Ixo Mende Layto Sempar!'
Cast by Eames
Episode 3.11
To Vanquish Eames… Time for amends and the victims' revenge. Clone power turned sour. Power to change turned strange. I'm rejectin' your deflection. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 3.11
To Banish Lost Souls… I return what I didn't want to find. Let it be out of sight, out of mind. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 3.12
Lost and Found Spell… Guiding spirits, I ask your charity. Lend me your focus and clarity. Lead me to the one I cannot find. Restore that and my peace of mind. Cast by Piper and Phoebe
Episode 3.12
To Find Tom… Show me the path that I cannot find To save Tom and restore Prue's peace of mind. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 3.12
Dark Priestess Spell… Through this book weave this spell, Create the pain of heaven and hell. May she suffer. Excemo dempress anama tomb. Cast by Dantalion
Episode 3.13
Hemlock Killing Spell… Betask of hemlock, do your deed. Blood of life, you will impede. Poisoned bark will stop the breath And in the bud, will bring death… Not Cast
Episode 3.13
To Kill a Female Warlock … Through the book, cast the spell. Bring the death of evil and hell. May she suffer until she cries. Her tears will run and then she dies. Not cast
Episode 3.13
To Vanquish an Evil Priestess… Power of light, magic of right, Cast this blight into forever's night. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 3.13
To Vanquish Seekers… Knowledge gained by murderous means Is wisdom's bitter enemy. The mind that burns with stolen fire Will now become your funeral pyre. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 3.16
To Summon Death… Spirits of air, sand, and sea, Converge to set the angel free. In the wind I send this rhyme. Bring Death before me, before my time. Cast by Prue
Episode 3.16
A Séance Materials & Instructions; White & purple candles, a white cloth, incense (cinnamon, frankincense, sandalwood). As the incense and candles burn, focus on connecting with the spirit. If the name of the one that contact is desired with is known, modify the spell accordingly.
Beloved unknown spirit, We seek your guidance. We ask that you commune with us And move among us. Performed by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe Episode 3.17
Nine Deaths… Nine times this evil's cheated death, Felt no pain and kept his breath. This warlock standing in our midst, Let him now feel what he has missed. Cast by Prue, Piper, and Phoebe
Episode 3.17
Power Stripping Potion Ingredients; 1 pinch dandelion, 1 dash chickweed, Billings Root, water, a mortar and pestle Instructions; Grind the ingredients together in the mortar and pestle. Shake water vigorously for two-hundred heartbeats, and add to the mixture. Potion must be cool and appear blood red before drinking.
Episode 3.19
Amulet Activation Spell… Evil is approaching, Let darkness be withstood. Blanket me with defences. Protect me with the power of good. Not Cast
Episode 3.20
To Track a Banshee… The piercing cry that feeds on pain And leaves more sorrow than a gain Shall now be heard by one who seeks To stop the havoc that it wreaks. Cast by Phoebe and Piper Episode 3.21
To Deter/Kill Shax… Evil wind that blows, That which forms below. No longer will you dwell, Death takes you with this spell. Cast by Phoebe, then by Prue and Piper
Episode 3.22
To Restore Prue… ( failed )
In this night and in this hour, I call upon the ancient power. bring back my sister, Bring back the Power of Three. Cast by Piper
Episode 4.1
To Call a Lost Witch… Ingredients; pinch or rosemary, sprig of cyprus, yarrow root, & a mortar & pestle Mix the ingredients in the mortar while chanting: “Powers of the witches rise,
Course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near, Come to us and settle here.” Add a drop of your own blood, and chant: “Blood to blood, I summon thee.
Blood to blood, return to me.” Cast by Piper
Episode 4.1
To Summon a Spirit… Materials; a circle of nine, white, lit candles
'Hear these words, hear my cry, Spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee, Cross now the great divide' Cast by Piper
Episode 4.1
To Move Inspector Cortez … 'Take him back, take him away. Remove him now, don't let him stay. We call on the spirits to help undo And send him off to Timbuktu.' Cast by Grams' spirit and Phoebe Episode 4.1
To Enchant an Object… Magic forces far and wide, Enchant these so those can't hide. Allow this witch to use therin, So she can reveal the evil within. Cast by Piper and Phoebe
Episode 4.2
To Promote Compromise… 'These words through the minds Of stubborn parties and unbind The thoughts too ridged to be kind. A compromise they'll disentwine' Cast by Paige
Episode 4.3
Vanishing Spell… 'May the object of objection become but a dream As I cause the seen to be unseen.' Cast by Paige
Episode 4.3
Instant Karma… To make a demon* feel the pain he inflicts Let cruelty, pain, and evil ways Follow this villain for all his days. Reverse the torment he creates. Turn on him a crueller fate. * ‘Demon’ can be substituted for ‘dirtbag’! Cast by Paige
Episode 4.3
Reversal Spell… Instructions; write the spell that you want reversed on a piece of paper. Light a candle, and touch the paper to the flame. As the paper burns, recite:
'Guiding spirits, hear my plea. Annul this magic, let it be.' Cast by Phoebe and Paige Episode 4.3
To Call Fury-Piper… Requires a drop of blood into a candle flame.
'Powers of the sister rise, Course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near, Come to us and settle here. Blood to blood, I summon thee. Blood to blood, return to me.' Cast by Phoebe and Paige
Episode 4.3
To Kill Gammil… 'Small of mind, big of woe, The pain you caused you know will know.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.4
To Summon/Enchant a Prince… 'Bring together my prince and me, Let him fall on bended knee. I summon him to my side, So that he may take me to be his destined bride.' Cast by the Evil Enchantress, and then by Paige
Episode 4.6
To Open Portal to the Past… 'Bring together my prince and me, His kingdom know I wish to see. Crossing history to his side. From myself I will not hide.' Cast by Paige
Episode 4.6
To Vanquish Shocker Demon… 'Vanquish! We three witches cry. One final shock and then you die.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige Episode 4.6
To Vanquish Chameleon… 'Evil hiding in plain site, I use this spell with all my might. Stop your changing form and shape. This vanquish seals your fate.' Cast by Piper
Episode 4.7
Mind Link Spell… Life to life and mind to mind Our spirits now will intertwine We meld our souls and journey to The one whose thoughts we wish we knew. Cast by Phoebe and Paige
Episode 4.7
Reverse Mind Link Spell… 'Life from life and mind from mind, Our spirits now will disentwine. We part our souls and journey home To let our thoughts be on their own.' Not cast
Episode 4.7
To See a Muse… 'Being of creativity, show yourself now to me. Your light that shines upon our face, Let our vision now embrace.' Cast by Phoebe
Episode 4.9
Warlock Vanquishing Limerick… 'A warlock is a funny thing, he blinks from place to place. And when we say these words to him His face they will erase.' Not cast
To Find a Muse… 'Being of creativity, we call ourselves now to thee. Your light now darkened in a ring Shall feel the Power of Three we bring.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.9
Warlock Vanquishing Spell… 'Evil is a faithful foe, But good does battle best. We witches will, with these words, Waste the warlock's evil zest.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.9
To Un-See a Muse… 'Being of creativity, Hide yourself now from me. Your light that shines upon our face From our vision, now erase.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.9
To Stretch the Imagination… 'Let mind and body soar To heights not reached before. Let limits stretch That you mat catch A new truth to explore.' Cast by Paige
Episode 4.11
To Summon the Spirit of Angela Provozolis… 'Hear these words, hear my cry, Spirit from the other side. Come to me, I summon thee. Cross now the great divide. Beloved spirit Angela, We seek your guidance. We ask that you commune with us And move among us.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, & Paige
Episode 4.11
To Weaken a Magic Shield… 'Door unlock, no magic block.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige Episode 4.12
To Vanquish Ludlow (Haiku)… 'The brittle winter Gives way to flowers of spring. Ludlow is vanquished.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.12
To Call Powers from the Hollow… 'Powers of the witches rise, Course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near. Come to us and settle here.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.13
To Vanquish the Source… 'Prudence, Patricia, Penelope, Melinda, Astrid, Helena, Laura, and Grace; Halliwell witches stand strong beside us. Vanquish this evil from time and space!' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.13
To Contain the Hollow… 'Aboleo extium cavium du eternias.' Cast by Phoebe and The Seer
Episode 4.13
To Hear Your Heart's Desire… 'My heart is strong, my spirit weak, It is an answer that I seek. The question burns within the fire So that I may hear my hearts desire.' Cast by Phoebe
Episode 4.14
To Vanquish Kurzon… 'Hell threw you from its inner core But earth won't hold you anymore. Since heaven cannot be your place Your flesh and blood we now erase.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.14
To Vanquish a Harpy… 'Claw of pain we have to sever, Demon, you are gone forever.' Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 4.18
To Gain the Source's Powers… 'Msolus into exitus omne' Cast by the Wizard
Episode 4.19
To Steal an Unborn Child… 'Give me strength and give me might To steal a child in still of night. Darkest forces, let it be Hear my plea, bring life to me.' Cast by The Seer
Episode 4.21
To Call Piper… 'Powers of the witches rise, Course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near, Come to us and settle here. Blood to blood, I summon thee Blood to blood, return to me.' Cast by Phoebe
Episode 4.21
To Find A Lost Love… 'Whither my love, Wherever you be Throughout time and space Take my heart near to thee.' Not cast
Episode 4.22
To Find a Lost Love in the Astral Plane… 'Whither my love, Wherever you be. Through Time and Space Take my love near to thee.' Cast by Phoebe
Episode 4.22
To Return From the Astral Plane… 'Return thy love wherever you be. Through time and space Bring her back to me.' Cast by Piper and Paige
Episode 4.22
To Track a Target… Water Find
rise the
Follow Then
up one
where fall
from who
fled winds
Cast by the Sea Hag
Episode 5.1
To Locate the Sea Hag… Powers of the witches rise, Find the hag that speaks in lies. Balance chakras, focus chi, Lead us through the cruel, cruel sea. Cast by Piper, Phoebe, and Paige
Episode 5.1
Fearless Spell… Locked in, boxed in, Full of fear, My panic grows manic till I can't hear. In need of a reprieve So that I can breathe Remove my fear, Please make it leave. Cast by Piper
Episode 5.2
To Reveal Phoebe's Love… Open Phoebe's heart to Cole, Reveal the secret that it holds, Bring forth the passion of love's fire, That he may feel her true desire… Cast by Paige
Episode 5.2
To Vanquish Necron… Tide of evil washed ashore Bring this darkness evermore. With all our strength we fight this fate. Make this evil obliterate. Cast by Paige
Episode 5.2
To Trap Another in a Mirror… Freedom's lost, Must be unwitting. Into the glass to do my bidding. Cast by an Evil Witch
Episode 5.3
Antidote Spell… Hear our call for those who fall. Purge her to awaken From this toxic take-in. Cast by Piper
Episode 5.3
Siren Summoning Spell… Oh singing lady of the dusk Who prays on men, turns love to lust, We hearken ye.. Not cast
Episode 5.4
To Vanquish Random Demon… Hellspawn, demon, Creature of death, Fire shall take your very breath. Cast by Penny
Episode 5.7
To Steal a Witch's Heart… Magic attrecto!
To Make a Witch Visible… Aspectus invisus!
To Induce Sleep… Sopio! Cast by Bacarra
Episode 5.8
Concealing Spell… Consilio!
Fireball Spell… Incediaries Globus!
To Break a Time-Freeze… Glacies Ember! Cast by Bacarra
Episode 5.8
To Cripple a Witch… Debilito!
To Deflect a Witch's Power… Murus Adigo!
To Teleport an Item… Teleportato! Cast by Bacarra
Episode 5.8
To Vanquish Bacarra… (failed) We call upon Medusa's bones. Turn their flesh into stone. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 5.8
Mummification Spell… Saqqara Tiet Usheb Ti Cast by Jeric
To See Last Scrying Location… Scrying secrets, come to me. Drop again so I might see. Cast by Paige
Episode 5.10
To Move a Spirit… Khet Mastaba Hotep Ka Cast by Jeric
To Expel a Host Soul … Together no more through time, expel her soul, leave only mine. Cast by Isis
Episode 5.10
To Expel Isis' Soul… Two warring souls now burn inside Where only one can reside. I call upon the Power of Three To save her body and set Paige free. Cast by Piper
Episode 5.10
Demummification Spell… Dromos Wabet Kufu Nemes Ahk! Cast by Paige
Episode 5.10
To Remove Phoebe's Powers… This witch's power cannot fight The lure of evil's magic might. Before misuse lines in hell, Remove the powers of Phoebe Halliwell. Cast by Piper
Episode 5.11
Avatar Transformation Spell… Ribus uero fecit orum bitis danae. Arca nvenio hospiyto fortis mundus. Cast by an Avatar
Episode 5.12
Manor Cleansing Spell… Burn a bundle of sage incense and ring a cowbell while chanting:
Eimo Sayto Dama Mundo Cast by Phoebe
Episode 5.13
To Summon a Witchdoctor… Ingredients & Instructions; liverwort, pinch of dragon root, snakeskin. Add liverwort & dragon root together in a cauldron and recite:
Free us from the ties that bind Of evil magic intertwined. We call upon the one who cures, He who's to the dark inured. Then add snakeskin to complete the spell. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 5.13
Reverse Vanishing Spell… Let the object of objection return, So it's existence can be reaffirmed. Cast by Piper
Episode 5.13
The DreamSpell… Instructions: Sprinkle casters with dream dust (as this will enhance the magic), and say the spell to activate.
Let we who awaken from our sleep Return at once to slumber deep.
Episode 5.14
To Return the Unicorn… Take this beast before I end her. Ship her back; return to sender Cast by Phoebe
Episode 5.15
Doris & Cronin Vanquishing Spell… Throw dust from unicorn's horn upon demons and say;
Beast of legend, myth, and lore, Give my words the power to soar And kill this evil evermore.
Episode 5.15
To Summon A Rainbow… Go N-Eiri An Bother Leat Cast by Phoebe, Shamus, and then Saleel Episode 5.17
To Restore A Sweater… Instructions; Write spell down on paper and light candle on table. Lay the sweater on table near candle. Recite spell, then burn paper.
Personal loss should not be mine, Restore this sweater and make it fine. Cast by Paige
Episode 5.17
To Find Good Luck… Finances have run amok, Creditors I soon must duck, I cast this spell to find good luck And hope my life will cease to suck. Cast by Paige
Episode 5.17
To Distribute Bad Luck … Marbhfaisc Ort! Cast by Leprechauns, then Saleel
To Distribute Good Luck… Slante Is Tainte! Cast by Leprechauns, then Saleel Episode 5.17
To Relive Memories… Let the truth be told,
Let our lives unfold,
So we can relive memories
And stop being enemies. Cast by Piper
Episode 5.18
To Change Demon Into A Tree… Changing seasons changes all, Life renews as creation calls, Nothing is immune, everything transmutes, Take this demon and give him roots. Cast by Piper and Paige
Episode 5.19
To Summon The Leader Of The Creepers… Demons who dwell in slivers of night, Uncloak your shadows to witches' sight. Cast by Paige
Episode 5.21
To Summon The Necromancer… Instructions; Place bones and a skull in the shape of a pentagon. Pour red sand into the figure and recite:
Evocum I letiterum abdigo, Manes ascendo, manes ascendo. Cast by random demon
Episode 5.21
Halliwell Matriarch Summoning Spell… I call forth from space and time, Matriarchs from the Halliwell line, Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, Our family spirit without an end, To gather now in this sacred place, And help us bring this child to grace Cast by Grams
Episode 5.21
To Restore Memory… Powers and emotions tied, A witch's heart is where is lies. Help her through her agony, Bless her with her memory. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.1
To Vanquish The Troc… From other worlds Far and near, Let's get him, the Troc, Out of here. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.1
To Reverse A Curse… (Turn Oscar fro his dog form)
I call upon the Halliwells, I call our powers to undo this spell. Make right again that we must, Reverse the curse that made this mutt. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.2
To Open Someone’s Heart… Open Piper's heart to reveal, That part which only Phoebe feels. Send it back from whence it came, Don't protect her from the pain. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.2
To Reverse Someone's Attitude… A spell was cast, Now make it past. Remove it now, Don't ask me how. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.2
To Fill In The Blanks… Moments lost make witches wonder Warlock's plot or demon's plunder? If this is not a prank, Help us to fill in the blanks. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.3
Vanishing Spell… Let the object of objection Become but a dream As I cause the seen To be unseen…
Cast by Piper
Episode 6.3
Scrying Spell… Give me sight through the blackest bile Show me the faces I revile
Cast by Mitzy
Episode 6.4
To Steal An Identity… Blinking faces blank and ho-hum, We are they and they are no one. Grant to us the power of three And turn them into nobody. Cast by Mabel, Mitzy and Margo
Episode 6.4
Spell To Call The Charmed Ones' Powers… Powers of the witches rise, Course unseen across the skies. Come to us who call you near, Come to us and settle here. Cast by all three sisters
Episode 6.4
To Summon The Dead… Unknown spirit, we call to thee Those who wish to set you free. Cross on over, so that we may help. Come to us. Reveal yourself. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.5
To Find Paige… Lead me back from whence this came Help me help my sister's pain
Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.5
To Banish A Ghost To banish a ghost to oblivion pour this mixture over the departed bones:
a palmful of pomegranate seeds ground into a fine paste a pinch of comfry root a pinch of blood meal a pinch of clematis seed a pinch of dried rhubarb leaf Mix well, add a chalice of twice blessed water and boil.
Episode 6.5
To Call A Lost Witch… Blood to blood I summon thee Blood to blood return to me Cast by Piper
Episode 6.5
To Block A Power (failed)
In the name of the Halliwell line, Bar my sisters from this power of mine.
Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.5
To Summon Zahn We call upon the ancient powers To summon one to save a soul Cast by Piper
Episode 6.7
To Make Someone Invincible… Blessed with powers from my destiny bless this hero with invincibility.
Cast by Paige
Episode 6.9
To Summon The Book Of Shadows… I call upon the ancient power To help us in this darkest hour. Let the Book return to this place, Claim refuge in its rightful space.
Cast by Chris
Episode 6.10
To Travel Into The Past… Hear these words, hear the rhyme Heed the hope within my mind. Send me back to where I'll find What I wish in place and time. Cast by Chris
Episode 6.10
To Restore Chris' Powers… Powers of witches rise, Come to me across the skies. Return my magic, give me back All that was taken from the attack Cast by Chris
Episode 6.10
To Summon the Dead… Hear these words, hear my cry, Spirit from the other side. Come to thee, I summon thee, Cross now the great divide. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.11
To Turn Weapons Into Flowers… They have no right They have no power Turn their hate sticks Into flowers Cast by Penny Halliwell
Episode 6.11
Attraction Spell Come to me and be seduced, I have a girl to introduce. Fall for her you can't resist her. Trust me, mister, she's my sister. Cast by Piper
Episode 6.11
To Allow Evil To Roam… And so I call upon the Crone Let evil roam inside this home. Cast by Robin
Episode 6.11
Love Spell May peace and love From the moon above Flow through your heart On the wings of a dove. Cast by Penny Halliwell
Episode 6.11
To Vanquish Nigel… Snuff this warlock his days are done But make him good for the ecosystem. Cast by Penny Halliwell
Episode 6.11
To Vanquish a Slime Demon… Drawing on the power of three Destroy this evil entity Cast by Paige
Episode 6.11
To Create the Perfect Man… A perfect man we summon now Another way we don't know how To make our sister see the light Somewhere out there is Mr. Right
Cast by Phoebe and Paige
Episode 6.12
To Prepare a Table On Piper's day set this table With all the favours you are able. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.12
To Cleanse The Karma… I call to thee, pure witches fire, Through vortex flow the heavenly mire Cleanse brackish karma of debris. From dark to light sweep Cast by Richard
Episode 6.13
To Vanquish The Swarm King… Demons that swarm that serve as one Vanquish him from which they come
Cast by all three sisters
Episode 6.13
To Vanquish The Headless Horseman… Power of Three unite. End this grizzly fright. Reverse the role and make us whole. Cast by all three sisters
Episode 6.14
To Contact A Spirit… Sister spirit, we call to thee. Cross on over so we may see. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.16
To Never Forget… Those who mark who I am, Let them always remember when.
Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.17
To Revive Old Days… The past is the future, and the future is the past. Let’s welcome back the senior class. Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.17
To Create An Illusion Of Fire… Make them see what cannot be, Flames that leap to make them flee.
Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.17
To Create An Illusion of Sound Make him hear what isn’t there. His deepest worries come to bear.
Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.17
To Change Someone's Physical Appearance… Who you were, you’re now another. Take the face of Wyatt’s brother. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.17
To Restore Someone's True Appearance… You who found me at this bar, Return to who you really are. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.18
To Bestow Good Luck… (Activates the magic of a nugget of luck)
Sláinte is táinte
Cast by Riley
Episode 6.18
To Turn Flowers Into Fire…
Flowers that bring desire Make them turn into fire
Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.19
To Summon the Tribunal Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit!
Cast by Gideon
Episode 6.19
Vanishing Spell Let the object of objection Become but a dream As I cause the seen To be unseen Cast by Paige
Episode 6.19
To Reverse the Vanishing Spell… Let the object of objection return So that it's existence may be reaffirmed Cast by Piper
Episode 6.19
To Summon Mr. Right… A perfect man I summon now, Another way I don't know how. Bring him now into the light, Come back to me, Mr. Right. Cast by Paige
Episode 6.20
To Age Someone… What once resided in its place, Shall soon be gone with no haste. Make this girl age in time, As punishment for her heinous crime. Cast by Vincent
Episode 6.20
To Activate A Ronyx Crystal…
Mallock cormon alli-tas Cast by Phoebe
Episode 6.21
To Open A Portal To A Parallel Dimension… In this place and in this hour, We call upon the ancient power. Open the door through time and space, Create a path to another place. Cast by all three sisters
Episode 6.22
To Enchant A Blade… Wanton powers in this blade yield Penetrate that which would shield Cast by Gideon
Episode 6.22
Spell to Vanquish Gideon… We call upon ancient lore To punish with the power of four, Strike down this threat from both there and here, Make him suffer, then disappear
Cast by good/evil Paige and Phoebe
Episode 6.22
Happy Call now the powers, blessed be, To make my sisters happy
Cast by Piper
Episode 6.23
To Release Gods From Mortals… We call upon the mortal ways And gods who guide but may not stay, We seek those of divinity To separate from and set them free. Cast by Paige
Episode 7.1
To Return Lady Godiva to Her Time… From lands afar and time and space Take her now from this our place, One that dwells so must remain, Send her back to her domain. Cast by Paige
Episode 7.2
To Summon Lord Dyson… We look to find the evil set free, Bring this demon before us three. Cast by all three Sisters
Episode 7.2
To Return Lady Godiva and Lord Dyson to Their Time… From lands afar and time and space Take them now from this our place, Two that dwell so must remain, Send them back to their domain. Cast by Paige
Episode 7.2
To Summon Lady Godiva and Lord Dyson… Where royals once lived, so did she, Bring forth the naked lady from the eleventh century.
Cast by Paige
Episode 7.2
To Return What Has Been Misplaced In Time… A time for everything and everything in place, Return what has been moved from time and space. Cast by Duncan
Episode 7.2
To Summon a Spirit… Hear me now, hear my cry, Spirit from the other side, Cross now the great divide. Cast by Paige
Episode 7.3
To Resolve Sibling Rivalry… Pass your petty jealousies to darkest night, Let these feuding siblings no longer fight. Cast by Grams
Episode 7.3
To Freeze Someone… Let this girl, quick as a sneeze, Stop this snit and quickly freeze. Cast by Grams
Episode 7.3
To Reverse the Sibling Rivalry Spell… Reverse the spell from the book, And please restore what was took. Cast by Patty
Episode 7.3
To Summon the Halliwell Matriarchs… I call forth from space and time, The matriarchs from the Halliwell line, Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, Our family's spirit without end Cast by Grams
Episode 7.3
To Active the Fountain of Youth… With these offerings, I call on thee, The goddess of fertility Rise now, show us the truth, Give us the gift of eternal youth. Cast by Piper
Episode 7.4
To see Guardian Angels… Show me what the evil sees, Even if at lightning speeds. Cast by Paige
Episode 7.7
Desiderata… Things that are Yearned for..
Balance Love
Hand of Fatima The Phrophet Mohammad invoked this centuries ago to banish Javna back to the underworld.
Evil Eyes look onto thee May they soon extinguish thee Bend thy will to the Power of Three Eye of Earth, evil and a curse.
The Wendigo The Wendigo is a non-dead creature that roams the earth destroying the goodhearted and those in love. His fate is to wander the Earth feasting on human hearts. The first Wendigo was a mortal who was betrayed by his sweetheart. In revenge for the treachery he slew his love and ate her heart. Rather than savour the warmth of revenge, his heart was in turn, turned to ice. Beware the Wendigo on the three days of the full moon.
To Unbecome a Wendigo… To unbecome a Wendigo, you must kill the Wendigo that attacked you by melting it's heart of ice.
TEMPUS The Devil's Sorcerer…
Manipulator of Time Serving only his will always, always for his evil gain Remove him, remove him from the time he's in.
To Lure an Evil Spirit… Mix equal parts of mercury and acid with the blood of one of the Spirit's victims. Pour it over the grave of the one being lured. Leaving an epistle of your image or a counterfeit of your face.
He will seek you out for revenge..
Charm of Multiplicity.. To multiply your strength recite these words at length:
Take my powers Blessed Be. Multiply their Strength by Three
Charm of Love 3 Sticks Cinnamon 4 Shelled Peas 1 tsp. Anise Oil 1 tsp. Pepper Red 3 tsp. Sweet Almond Oil 3tsp. Honey Rose Petals from 5 Roses Pinch of Catnip 2 Drops Musk Oil 1 Strand of Conjurer's Hair
Barabas The Demon of Fear, also known as Barabas appears on Earth once every 1300 years on a Friday the 13th for twenty four hours. His appearance is attributed to the universal convergence of negative energies as derived from astrological halls. He lives off his life force by feeding off the fears of witches. If he can kill 13 unmarried, single witches before the stroke of midnight on the 13th he will be able to break free from his eternal bonds and with the earth from eternity.
Rite of Passage Rite of Passage - Fight it with the Power of One, or else.. a more powerful Evil that awaits will destroy you.
To Rid Evil From the Home…. When in the circle that is home Evil's gone and safety roams Rid all beings from these walls Save sisters Three, now heed our call.
Auras The Soul Energy that every human possesses. Strength is determined by the amount of Goodness a person Creates.
Grimlocks… are white demons with whirling Red eyes. Underground demons who roam from city to city killing potential forces of Good by seeing the unique Auras that surround them, which they are able to do by stealing the sight of innocent children. The stolen eyesight will last twenty-four hours, but only if the children are alive. After the children's use has waned the Grimlocks consume them.
To Destroy a Grimlock… Gather a Shisandra root and make a potion then throw it on the Grimlocks.
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Charmed Book Of Shadows Pdf Download Full

This book consists of articles from Wikia or other free sources online. Pages: 172. Chapters: Book of Shadows entries, Unseen Book of Shadows Entry, Billie Jenkins' Book of Shadows, Book of Shadows, Alchemist, Alchemist's Tools, Amulet of Protection, Andras, Anton, Aura, Aura Cleanse, Banishing a Ghost, Barbas, Belthazor, Benzor, Binding Potion, Bosk, Brianna Warren, Brute Demons, Bunyip, Burke, Categories of Ghosts and Spirits, Celerity Demons, Chakra, Chakra Cleanse, Charm of Confidence, Charm of Love, Charm of Multiplicity, Cole's Human Form, Cryto, Daleek, Dark Priestesses, Demonic Bounty Hunter, Demonic Power Brokers, Demonic Sorcerers, Demon of Anarchy, Demon of Cruelty, Desiderata, Dominus Trinus, Dragon Warlock, Drazi, Eames, Eames Vanquishing Spell, Enchantment Spell, Erase a Memory, Executioner Demons, Exorcism Spell, Fairies, Familiars, Famous Books, Fearless Spell, Firestarters, Furies, Gammill, Ghosts, Poltergeists Hauntings, Gremlins, Grimlocks, Guardians of the Hollow, Guardian Demons, Handfasting, Hawker Demons, How to Perform a Seance, Ice Cream Man, Identifying the Seven Deadly Sins, Imara, Instant Karma Spell, Italian and Latin Pages, Javna, Jeric, Kali, Kierkan, Kodzoman, Krychek Demons, Kurzon, Lazarus Demons, Level Two Demon Weapon, Libris, Lords of War, Love Potion - Love Spell, Love Spells, Manticores, Mariners, Masselin, Melinda Warren's Warlock Curse, Memory Spell, Mercury Demons, Mind Link, Mirrors, Monkey Totem, Muhammad, Muses, Necron, Nell, Nell's Painting, Nexus, Noxon Demons, Once a Mortal.., On The Place of Magic In The Rearing of a Child, Ordo Malorum, Past Life Spell, Phoenix, Phoenix Witches, Potions, Power Stripping Potion, Protection Spells, Prue Halliwell's Animal Conjuring Spell, Purification Spells, Raptor Demon, Return Spell, Reversal Spells, Rite of Passage, Safety Spell, Saleel, Sargon, Scabbar Demons, Scavenger Demons, Seance, Seven Deadly Sins, Shakti and Shiva, Shax, Shax Vanquishing Spell, Spells, Spider Demons, ..